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Deleted 29 days ago


God I hope this garden won't be lost... From Russia with all the possible support and hope that Ukraine gets through this.

my heart and prayers go out to the people of Ukraine

Slava Ukraini!

6298 <3

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Gardener 7191 growing the 5885th sunflower, may many more be grown in Ukraine's green and pleasant land, once the orcs have stopped fertilising its soil.




and Palestine?

...this specific game isn't about palestine <3


wanted to plant a flower, but ended up planting a bomb/хотел посадить цветок, а в итоге заложил бомбу

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

A nice relaxing game but for the harassment by bugs. #6390 here and here's hoping many more flowers can be planted in the real community garden in the future so that the seeds can be spread far and wide and make bright the fields of Ukraine once again, as a rememberance of the lives taken by the orcs now fertilising those same fields. It's just a pity that Sauron chooses to sacrafice more orcs to the future prosperity of Ukraine before conceeding defeat - no one can say he doesn't deserve a similar fate, let us hope the rest of his lieutenants are in the building on that day too.


gardener 6207 here, i grew a sunflower and planted mine near the start 


Gardener 6196 here, I just grew the 5,000th sunflower! I hope the war ends soon, Long live Ukraine!


Слава Україні

Deleted 1 year ago

шо с ебалом, хуесос?


I'm gardener #4849!  I planted mine in the back left corner of the greenhouse.  :)

Long live Ukraine!  I hope this terrible war ends soon.

(1 edit) (+3)

Gardener here, lets stay on the grind

thank you for this experience. I was wondering, where are the almost 5 thousand flowers? Are filled servers inaccessible?

I couldn't find anything about it when wandering about


Once the flower has grown completely, it's chopped down and a new one is planted in it's place. So 5k have been planted and grown only in the small handful of beds you can see.


Gardener 4606 here. I love this game and I hope that this war is won soon. Stand With Ukraine!


Я хоть и русский(только местом рождения и жительства), но я всё равно остаюсь нейтральным. Довольно интересный и хороший проект. Можно отвлечься от всех проблем(не только связанных с ситуацией), наблюдая за цветами и слушая музыку. Рекомендую зайти хотя бы один раз.


how can you be neutral? I don't understand, I thought this was a very clear-cut conflict, either you are for it, or you are against it (and both can be active or silent)

Deleted 1 year ago

порвал 6 hohlov. И кто-то возмущался, как это можно быть нейтральным. Окей. Я решил, что я положительно отношусь к ситуации в мире. Бамбам


Hi! I'm currently working at my job to program our upcoming annual Interactive festival and would love to discuss featuring this project, I sent you an email last week I don't know if you got it but please let me know!

Apologies! I seldom check my gamedev email these days. I'll remember my password and respond!


09/06/2022 11:06 PM PST

Long live Ukraine!


Слава Україні!


прикольно сделанна


gardener 3967/3968/3969 here, i hope ukraine survives this war




Слава Україні!


Stay determined Ukraine!


cool :)


i thought this was a memorial but dang, its literally a garden outside of kyviv


Hi!  I'm working on curating an interactive art exhibition and would love to feature this.  I've emailed you, but I'm not sure there getting to you.  Let me know if you're interested, and if so how to contact you! <3


Apologies. A lot of the email to that inbox ends up hiding in spam. I'll respond shortly.

Thank you!! No worries.  I've also been having email trouble.


i played this game because my auntie who was unfortunately murdered by my asshole uncle loved sunflowers, 

sending love to all of those who are caught up in the Ukraine war


на мак при встановленні помилка


gardener 2842 here. my entire family lives half an hour's car ride from the ukrainian border. those of slavic descent are well acquainted with war, and it shows in the way the people try to help. we look at our streets and imagine them on fire, but we do not have to imagine. they look the same as those of ukraine. so do the apartments, the elderly, the shops. we gather poppies to replace their sunflowers. at least here i can grow them instead


this comment is so sweet! i hope you are doing okay and in safe hands now!!

can you please make this compatible with Chromebook? if possible


hi, im gardener number 2462, is everyone ok?

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