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no one is online :(

Was playing rn, but i had to leave cause i have something to do. I met only one person, whoever you are, you're a real one


It's a dark, cold, but beautiful world.
I spent some time with people I didn't know and didn't chat with. It was a very strange experience.
It was fun, meow~!


This game is seriously amazing! One thing that totally stands out is how it doesn't even have any dialogue, but somehow that just makes it even more immersive and special. I hope you are ok with this?



lol the server crashed after 999 on the billboard.

It reset to 202. :(





Very cute. Made a friend after they saved me. We walked around together for about 15 minutes and saved each other a number of times.  I think the lack of a game chat made it even better.


Agree. I spent so much time with a friend but I accidentally closed the game and was never able to find them again. :(


mfw it turns out the game is online (i think??)



hi sava



I was wondering if those were real people

if they are


silent friendship circles are the best


Brilliant game play, mysterious and atmospheric - definitely worth donating for too! Please make more!!

(1 edit) (+1)

server error makes me very sadge :( 
should add active player tracker and ping and tps if possible ❤️

also let us jump into the funny pit of fire pretty please


Boring, add a game chat please.


No ❤️


dude its so cool that this is multiplayer, I realized it when I spammed left and right and they did it back


amazing experience i loved it


A laboratory where stupid, rock-holding ants keep throwing rocks in a fire.

If you're wondering, no; those aren't bots, they are other people like you.
Keep throwing rocks in the pit, there's nothing else to do.
If you find a dead body, bring it near the pit, it'd be a shame to lose those.
Make sure to stay near heat sources like the game says, if you stray too far for even a second, you're going to die.
Serve the billboard, keep on.
Thank you, Dean.

Deleted 312 days ago

It's an instant, ephemeral Internet utopia that showcases simple game mechanics and the humanity of people working together to keep each other warm. Thank you for creating such a work!!

I think I got all the rocks and found the pyre.  It was okay, but I'd like it more if it was more challenging/longer.


This game has so so potential, at the moment it is truly something special. Please keep developing for it, and no matter what keep the atmosphere.

This will be experimental game or you will make a full release on steam fromt his?


Tempted to make a "full" version (probably not on Steam though) but I think I'm more likely to take everything I've learned about server-side/networking and make something else equally small and inconsequential.


I'm actually floored at what this game has to offer. The other comment is right, this game has so much more than it seems and it's shocking and one thing threw me so off guard and shocked me so much that I only was able to find by sheer chance. Spoilers below.













I launched the game a few hours ago and opened it again around 9-ish PM PST on 4/21/24 and then running into another player walking around and very clearly separate from me has to be one of the biggest surprises and most surreal experiences. There is a lot to be explored and a lot I have not seen but the fact that it's not actually a single player game shocked me after playing it alone for a few minutes before trying it out again due to seeing the comment below this about how the game is deceptive (and I did not read their spoilers). It's such an insane idea and I definitely have to try this with friends later, just seeing some tiny little guy do movement separate from me in a seemingly empty world of a demo by a developer that well know is mindboggling. I don't think most people will get that experience playing this game because of the sheer low chance that somebody else is playing at the same time, or the fact that if it blows up in popularity then everybody will know the gimmick already. But oh my god, was it fun to just aimlessly and silently explore an area with a tiny separate person from myself.

And of course, glad to see you making more games and projects as always, I've been a fan for years due to One Chance. This is really cool and I'm looking forwards to more and exploring it more myself as well.


Don't get me wrong, this is a simple demo but there is a deceptive amount of stuff going on with this little game that the devs haven't telegraphed at all. Half the fun was finding this stuff out, so I'm reluctant to say more.






For a start it's fully a multiplayer game. I'm not sure if that is mentioned anywhere?? It took me a few minutes to find out I was sharing the game space with a handful of other players. There's extra mechanics around that which aren't explained but were fun to discover.

Honestly, wondering around the map with 3 other little guys who I couldn't communication with was surprisingly fun (shout out if your reading)

I don't want to be the "all indie games are about capitalism or depression" guy, but stumbling across the pyre with another player recontextualised the manual-labor game loop for me and was a bit of an epiphany. I don't know if there is an end screen but I wanted to stay listening to music with my mute friend forever instead of returning to lugging rocks, which is obviously the point.

If I was being extra pretentious, I'd say even the lack of available emoting/communication speaks to the inherent isolation and loneliness of a certain socio-economic system.

The youtube vid seems to not embed properly (seems to be because its detected as a Youtube Kids video)

